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COATER OPV - PrintShield
Digital Printing Coater Inline



First Coater for Digital Printing Lines

The digital printing industry is constantly evolving, and new technologies are emerging to improve the quality and efficiency of the printing process. One such technology is the digital printing coater, which applies a quality primer coating to the print media before printing. SERRA's digital printing coater is designed to provide a uniform primer thickness, which improves the overall quality of the print and enhances the visual appeal of the final product.


SERRA's digital printing coater is a valuable tool for businesses in the printing industry. It provides a quality primer coating, improves the transport system, reduces ink consumption, and opens up new commercial opportunities. By investing in a digital printing coater, businesses can improve the quality of their prints, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, ultimately leading to greater profitability and success in the industry.

Quality Primer Coating

  • Provides a uniform and consistent primer coating
  • Improves the quality of the print
  • Ensures that colors appear vibrant and accurate

Improved Transport System

  • Ensures constant registration accuracy
  • Ensures constant registration accuracy
  • Reduces the need for reprints as reprints can be costly and time-consuming

Reduced Ink Consumption

  • Results in lower costs
  • Increases efficiency
  • Increases profitability & reduce waste

Commercial Opportunities

  • Provides a full range of in-line embellishments and custom solutions
  • Enables businesses to offer a wider range of printing services
  • Expands their customer base and opens up new commercial opportunities


Quality primer coating:

The first coater provides a uniform and consistent primer coating, improving the overall quality of the print and ensuring that colors appear vibrant and accurate.

Uniform thickness:

The coater applies a uniform thickness of primer coating, ensuring consistent print quality and reducing the likelihood of defects.

Registration accuracy:

The coater improves the transport system and ensures constant registration accuracy, reducing the need for reprints and saving time and money.

Reduced ink consumption:

The coater reduces ink consumption, resulting in lower costs, increased efficiency, and reduced waste.

Full range of in-line embellishments:

The coater provides a full range of in-line embellishments and custom solutions, enabling businesses to offer a wider range of printing services and expanding their customer base.

Enhanced print quality:

The coater improves the overall print quality, making it more visually appealing and increasing customer satisfaction.

Easy maintenance:

The coater is designed for easy maintenance, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Versatile design:

The coater is designed to be versatile, accommodating a wide range of print media and allowing for customization of the coating thickness.